Want to create beautiful present card? These numerals are ideal for it! They are so tasty, appetizing, sweet, mmm... Take it quickly, until they melt;)
- 10 illustrations with tasty numerals
- handcrafted art
- bright pastel
- 4000x4000 px. 300 DPI
- 10 PNG with transparent background
- 10 high quality JPG
Tasty Numerals - 10 illustrations
400,00 ₽ Обычная цена
240,00 ₽Спеццена
Commercial license
The licensed asset can appear in up to 5,000 end products for sale
Can be used for
- Up to 5,000 physical or digital end products for sale
- One business social media account owned and managed by the licensee
- Unlimited physical advertisements for local markets
- Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
- Broadcast and streaming for up to 500,000 lifetime viewers
If you wanna Extended Commercial license or want this product for uncommercial using, please, contact with me